Friday, July 22, 2011


Ok here is my explanation for blogging. Usually, I make fun of people who think themselves important enough to put all of their thoughts online and expect people to read them. HOWEVER, all this changed a few months ago when I mentioned to a professor that I was going to a march in Washington, D.C. and she said I should blog about it. I said "Sure!" and then said something to my grandmother (Sheryl) about possibly doing a blog, and then she proceeded to tell friends who claimed they wanted to follow the blog about D.C. Not wanting to disappoint adoring fans, I decided to start. This blog will not just be about the march alone. In January, I hope I will be leaving for Seville, Spain to study abroad for a few months. Through blogging, I will keep track of day to day activities and I can let multiple people know how I am doing at one time (namely my mother). So, now that you know what the dealio is, enjoy! I hope you find this blog informative and hopefully slightly entertaining!

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