Thursday, November 10, 2011

Let's Get Real

So I'm sitting in a group study session right now, trying to avoid studying the religion of Islam by any means possible. What better way than to blog, right?

But seriously, I have spent the entire last week and a half stressing about this test. It is a class in which I have no background or experience with the subject and the amount of information is so vast that it is incredibly overwhelming. I start to look at the material and I just freeze because I do not know where to start. Tears have been shed over this test already. Obviously that is a ridiculous thing to do, so once I stopped crying, I thought to myself, why is this test so important. I do need to keep my GPA up, but if I do badly on one test is it going to screw me for the rest of my life? Is getting an A in Islamic Religious Traditions really going to make my life complete?
Aren't we precious?

This coming Sunday is my one year anniversary with an awesome boyfriend. A year is a big deal for me. I haven't ever been with anyone for more than a few months and I always did the leaving. But he makes me want to stay, which is an incredible thing. He makes me laugh and supports me in everything I do and I don't know what I would do without him at this point. I was even invited to his family's Thanksgiving celebration, so you know it's serious now.

There is also a lot of really big holidays coming up that I cannot wait for! Thanksgiving is honestly one of my favorite holidays because there is good food and really good company. I stay with my dad and my family in Knoxville who I do not see very often and it makes me so happy. We always have a feast and have a five hour family get together where everyone laughs and catches up. I love my family so much because we are the kind of family who never misses a beat when we haven't seen each other for a while. We make each other laugh until we cry and make fun of each other the majority of the time. Some of my best memories come from family gatherings and I hope they are a tradition we continue long into the future.

Casual family photo

Now back to the questions from the beginning, does my Islamic test really matter in the long run? Yes, it would be nice to pass this exam and not have the shame of an F put on me, but that's not what is important. I have an entire future ahead of me where this class will be completely irrelevant. I have friends and family who I will be spending the rest of my life with whether I get an A+ or a D- on this test. I have a boyfriend who loves me and doesn't care if I know who the caliph was in 745 or which sect of Shi'a still has an Imam, and that's what really matters in life. Funny how it takes a minor breakdown to start to think about that. And it will probably take many more breakdowns throughout my life to continue to remind me of what is important.

p.s. happy one year, sweet boy.

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