Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Day of Practicum... Oh and Valentine's Day Too.

This week marked my first time in my classroom for my practicum!!! Before I went, I was super nervous because I am in a class of the equivalent of freshmen in high school... Yikes. I was really worried that they would know English grammar and concepts better than me, and they most definitely know how to speak Spanish better than me. I got to the school in the morning and went to the teacher's lounge, where I awkwardly sat with a few other teachers and waited for my teacher to come and get me. My teacher, Isabel, came after a few minutes, and she is super sweet. She brought me to my first class, where all of the students were leaning out the door looking and waiting for us. After we set all of our stuff down, I stood up and introduced myself in English and it seemed like they all understood. I asked if they had any questions, and there was dead silence. They were so quiet, not just for me, but for Isabel too. It blew my mind, but it also could have been because it was 10 in the morning. Who knows? But then Isabel started on the lesson and I sat and followed along in the book. They teach British English here, so I end up learning some new vocabulary too. I couldn't help but giggle whenever Isabel would start teaching in English, because she would be speaking to me in a ver Sevillano Spanish, and then she would switch to a proper British accent in English. I found it very amusing.

After that class, we had a thirty minute break where we went and sat in the teacher's lounge again. A bunch of other teachers came in and started speaking very loudly and excitedly, like most Spaniards do when in large groups. Needless to say, it was very interesting to listen too, but at the same time slightly overwhelming because it was such a confined space. I did meet one teacher who was from Ireland, and she came here to teach because her boyfriend lives here. She was really nice and was telling me how when she teaches English, it is really easy, but sometimes if she is tired or not feeling well, teaching in Spanish is really hard for her, so that made me feel a little better. Everyone at the school was super nice and made an attempt to talk to me, even though I was slightly tongue tied because of how overwhelmed I was, but hopefully they will realize I'm not an idiot after a while.

Then Isabel and I had our second class, which was very, very different than the first. They were super talkative and from the moment I walked in, they were asking me my name and where I was from and all kinds of things. I got through my introduction and then asked if anyone had questions. Four or five hands shot up with questions like "Do you have brothers and sisters?" "Do you have pets?" "Do you know anyone famous?" and my favorite, "Do you have a facebook?". I loved it though and I was relieved to see that they were actually intrigued by my presence in the class. The lesson was the same as the first class, so I was able to participate a little more since I knew what was going on. Then at the end of the class, Isabel told me the lesson for next time and said if I wanted to participate and teach part of it I could. Woo!

After practicum, I had class, which was fine. I didn't feel as stupid as I did last time, which was nice. Then after class, we all went out for pizza for my roommate's birthday, which was delicious. Then, the five of us went to our new favorite tapas place and got chocolate mousse for dessert as a Valentine's day celebration. All day I had been trying not to remind myself what day it was, just because I didn't want to miss Alex at all. But with all of my friends around me, I couldn't feel sad. Also, you know your friends know you well when they all agree to keep a close eye on you on Valentine's day in case you are super sad. I wasn't, but I thought it was really funny that they made that pact. What would I do without them? Dessert was awesome and so was conversation, so it was the perfect end to a good day.

Then today, I GOT MY VALENTINE'S DAY PRESENT FROM ALEX!!!!! I started crying happy tears in the middle of the study center I was so excited. Which that is a testament to how emotional I have become here, I have only cried happy tears probably twice in my life. It just doesn't happen. But the present was super sweet and thoughtful and it was just what I needed. He even put in some American movies, HOORAY! And shout out to his sister for helping him with some of it, Elizabeth's the best. As for the rest of the day, I will be doing homework! It feels like I have a lot here, but I know it is just because I chose to occupy my time exploring and doing things as opposed to doing my homework. Fortunately, grades don't transfer. :) (Don't worry mom, I will still pass!) I guess I just have different priorities over here, and I think that is a good thing. You can't learn everything in a book, after all.

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