Monday, February 20, 2012

Granada!!! AKA Really Awesome Weekend

So much to update on... I will try not to be long winded.

Sleeping Beauty
So the rest of the week went fairly normally last week. I taught a little bit in my classes on Thursday, and it was really fun. I think they understood me... They told me I talk really fast which blows my mind because I am intentionally speaking slower. I think I just get nervous. Thursday night Holly, Marcy, Eric and I went out after class and that was a really fun night, but pretty laid back. On Friday, we had to be at the University at 8:30 in the morning. I was totally going to be on time, but then I left my camera in my house and of course I needed that. So then I had to take this long adventure of walking and riding the bus to the University because it is 30 minutes away from my house. I was the last one there, but it was okay because all my friends saved me a seat on the back row with them! All five of us were sitting in one row, it was precious.

On our way to Granada, we stopped at this rest area and it was complete madness. Everyone was crowded around the counter, there was no line, and you just shouted your order to the waitress. I felt really bad for everyone behind the counter, but they were obviously pros and got all the orders out super fast. After that we were on our way to Granada again! The way in to Granada was beautiful, we drove through the country side. One thing about my friends is that they all think that I live in the boondocks. Every once in a while my country accent slips and so they think I am from the middle of no where. When we were driving to Granada, there was one house in the middle of this field and Eric turned to me and said "Oh you live somewhere like that, right?" Sooooooo funny. When they come visit me, they will be shocked to see that I live in a city and wear shoes and don't eat fried chicken all the time!

Once we got to Granada, we were dropped off at the hotel and we had a little break before lunch. I took a long hot shower and did not feel guilty about it. When I'm at home I try to be in and out of the shower as quick as possible because water and electricity to heat it are very expensive here. It was kind of nice to just let the water run and not worry about how much I was costing Eva. Then we had this awesome Spanish buffet, full of all kinds of typical Spanish dishes. Of course we looked like fat Americans, but it was worth it.

After lunch, we went to Alhambra, which is the last palace of the Muslim kings in Andalusia. It is considered the last hoorah of the Muslim kings and a kind of demonstration of their art and culture before the Christians conquered them. It was absolutely breathe taking. It is up on a hill to where you can see all of Granada and the gardens were so beautiful, even without flowers. Plus, Granada is surrounded by mountains, so that added to the beauty. After we went through Alhambra, we walked back down to our hotel and that was a really cool way to see more of Granada. It was weird walking on hills again because Sevilla is so flat. We went in all of these really small shops and found some really awesome hand made gifts there. Then we went back to the hotel to rest for a bit before dinner.

Granada has this really awesome deal where if you go in to a bar, you order a drink and they bring you a free tapa with it. So naturally, we took advantage of this deal. We went to three different bars and had drinks and food until I was about to bust, and then we went back to the hotel. We were all pretty exhausted from walking around all day, thus the short end to the night.

TDP Group!
The next morning, we got up early and had a big breakfast. We all got on the bus and we were dropped off in the middle of a historic neighborhood in Granada at the top of the hill. This neighborhood was honestly one of the coolest things I had ever seen. It had long winding streets, per Muslim city planning, and bright white buildings with all kinds of tile designs. Our tour guide told us that it is the "hippie" neighborhood now, and she was fairly accurate. A lot of dreadlocks, baggy pants, and the smell of weed all around. But it was such a relaxed environment (possibly from the weed) that you couldn't help but love it. We came upon an overlook where there were all kinds of vendors selling homemade jewelry and other things. It had a beautiful view and I did not want to leave there. But as we kept walking, we passed a convent where claustered nuns live. They bake sweets to sell to the public, but since you cannot see the nuns, the baked goods come out in a lazy susan style door and then you put the money after they give you the food. It was such a cool process to see and to see the trust demonstrated by them by giving you the food first. Also, everything was delicious, I think God had something to do with it.

We kept walking until we arrived at Capilla Real, or the Royal Chapel, which is where Isabel and Ferdinand, as in the Reyes Catolicos are buried. IT WAS SO COOL. I felt like such a nerd for getting so worked up about it, but not only did we get to see their tombs, we got to see Isabel's crown and bible and Ferdinand's septor. It was amazing to see.

After the chapel we had lunch and hopped on the bus. Once we got back to Sevilla, my friend Emily came and watched movies and spent the night with me in my house because Eva was out of town. It was really nice to have her here because I was tired and a little sad, so she helped cheer me up.

Parque Miraflores
Sunday morning, Emily and I went out to breakfast and then we got to witness part of the Sevilla Marathon! The course ran down the main road right next to my house, so we got to see all of the runners suffering, I mean doing awesome. Apparently the guy who won it finished it in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Yes, you read correctly. My mind was blown when I heard that. I would be lucky to finish a marathon in 10 hours, that is if I could even finish it. But anyways, after that all of us went park hopping. We started in one park close to Emily and had our sack lunches there. Then we went exploring in Macarena, Emily's neighborhood and saw some really cool churches and plazas. Then we went to a huge park really close to me, Parque Miraflores, where we just sat and laid in the sun. It was actually warm so I finally got to wear a dress! My face is starting to get tan, but the rest of my body has been so covered in clothes that it definitely does not match. But it's okay, I'm in Spain! It was a really wonderful day yesterday, full of relaxing and not doing homework.

Today, on the other hand, was a slightly different story. I woke up this morning not feeling so hot, both mentally and physically. Apparently it was obvious because one of my professors asked me if I was okay because I wasn't smiling as much... Oh the international form of communication... Anyways, then I broke my converter for my computer at which point I just broke down and cried. Luckily, I have awesome friends here who help me problem solve when I am incapable of doing anything else, and that problem was solved. I started to feel a lot better and the day started looking up. And tonight we are going to this awesome place called Cien Montaditos where we can get two huge jars of beer and nachos for two Euro. Woo! Looks like today is looking up after all.

I think I ended up being long winded...

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