300- number of kilometers from Leon to Santiago de Compostela. And we walked every. Damn. One.
4- number of forms of transportation taken to make this trip possible (train, plane, taxi, walking).
127- approximate number of times I thought about throwing myself to the ground in the hopes of ending the walking part of the journey early.
128- approximate number of times I told myself walking into Santiago would be much more rewarding than riding in.
35- number of times people laughed when I told them I learned Spanish in Sevilla, almost always immediately followed by "siempre son de fiesta, los sevillanos." Duh, they're my people.
13- days of walking.
6- average number of hours we walked a day.
2- number of ice creams I had a day... Ok that may be low balling it...
47- number of times I contemplated throwing my bag, shoes, hat, shell, and various other pieces of equipment off the side of a cliff.
14- number of hostels/albergues/hotels we stayed in and that number will increase before our trip is over.
1- daily average of times I audibly cursed the terrain/trail we were walking.
32- number of times dad made me laugh a day.
27- number of times dad made me roll my eyes a day.
100- number of people we met and had significant conversations with while on the trail or in a hostel.
1- the number of cafe con leche needed to function a day, sometimes bumped to two.
Infinite- the amount of gratitude I have for this trip and for everyone who made it possible, whether through physical or moral support. And thanks to dad for putting up with/encouraging my shenanigans (particularly my drinking habit). This trip would not have been the same without you and I know we have made a lifetime of memories because of it. Love you, pops.