Thursday, July 16, 2015

Camino by the numbers

The last few days have been filled with a lot of emotion. From the joy of finally arriving in Santiago, the pure exhaustion we both feel still, and being moved to tears at the beauty of the pilgrims' mass today at the cathedral, I've had about all I can handle of the emotions. So I am going to give you the most emotionless post possible by writing about our trip through the numbers. (Author's note- most numbers are a rough estimate. Sorry not sorry.)

300- number of kilometers from Leon to Santiago de Compostela. And we walked every. Damn. One. 

4- number of forms of transportation taken to make this trip possible (train, plane, taxi, walking).

127- approximate number of times I thought about throwing myself to the ground in the hopes of ending the walking part of the journey early. 

128- approximate number of times I told myself walking into Santiago would be much more rewarding than riding in. 

35- number of times people laughed when I told them I learned Spanish in Sevilla, almost always immediately followed by "siempre son de fiesta, los sevillanos." Duh, they're my people. 

13- days of walking. 

6- average number of hours we walked a day. 

2- number of ice creams I had a day... Ok that may be low balling it...

47- number of times I contemplated throwing my bag, shoes, hat, shell, and various other pieces of equipment off the side of a cliff. 

14- number of hostels/albergues/hotels we stayed in and that number will increase before our trip is over. 

1- daily average of times I audibly cursed the terrain/trail we were walking. 

32- number of times dad made me laugh a day. 

27- number of times dad made me roll my eyes a day. 

100- number of people we met and had significant conversations with while on the trail or in a hostel. 

1- the number of cafe con leche needed to function a day, sometimes bumped to two. 

Infinite- the amount of gratitude I have for this trip and for everyone who made it possible, whether through physical or moral support. And thanks to dad for putting up with/encouraging my shenanigans (particularly my drinking habit). This trip would not have been the same without you and I know we have made a lifetime of memories because of it. Love you, pops. 

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