Monday, January 16, 2012

Just Flew In... And Boy Are My Arms Tired...

Seville Airport!
I'm finally in Seville! After months and months of preparation and years of dreaming of being here, this does not seem quite real yet. The journey over here was quite interesting and the jet lag is definitely clouding my thought process at this point, but who am I to complain? I'm in a beautiful city that is free of cold and snow. :)
Anyways, the trip was long but good. I started out in Lexington and saying goodbye to the fam was no fun, but I will be back soon. Then I got to Chicago, where nearly the entire flight was full of kids who were studying abroad. It was really neat to see how many people get this opportunity. But the thing that stuck out most to me was that half of them went to the same school, but they had never met each other! I guess I am not familiar enough with large-school culture, because the idea of me meeting someone my age in the airport and saying "Oh, you go to Transy too??" was completely foreign to me. Oh the life of a private liberal arts school kid... Anyways, the flight from Chicago to Madrid was a good one, except for the fact that I could not fall asleep to save my life. I sat next to a Spanish man who was really nice and fortunately did not want to talk the entire time. He did snore though, however it really had no effect on me since I couldn't sleep anyways. Due to the sleep deprivation, I did something that I hadn't done in a very long time- finish an entire book. OH MY GOODNESS. If you have not read the Hunger Games, go do it right now. Stop reading this and read that. SO good. After I got off that flight, I hung out in the Madrid airport for a little while, which is super cool. It's very modern and the roof is shaped like a mustache. Whether that is on purpose or not, I'm not quite sure, but it looks cool. I met some even more cool people while I was waiting for my flight to Seville!
Seville is awesome. There are palm trees everywhere and the skies were just clearing up from the rain. Everyone here is super friendly and genuine and it's great. The people in my program seem really fun too, so I think they will be a great group to spend my time here with. :)
I miss everyone at home terribly, but I know the home sickness will pass here soon! I can't wait to start in on the actual adventures tomorrow! Stay tuned!

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