Thursday, January 19, 2012

Primeras Aventuras

I have finally moved in with my homestay!!!! And my señora is awesome to say the least. She is very young and has a little girl who is three years old. The little girl is precious and loves princesses and understands English surprisingly well. The apartment is kind of small, but I'm not really here that often so it is ok.
Church we found while lost!
I am continuing to love the city. It is so cool and diverse. There are several different barrios, kind of like the different parts of Manhattan. And each one is completely distinct and beautiful. The people here are also great. Obviously it is easy to tell who is an American here (I know it is hard to believe, considering how tan I am), but everyone is super nice and helpful whenever we need something or get lost. Which is a lot. But it's ok because we get to see more of the city this way!
As my readers, I am sure that you have been asking yourselves, "So what have you been up to, Brianna?" Well I will tell you, because a lot has happened since my last entry. On Tuesday night, we went out for tapas and they were incredible. There is this dish called Patatas Bravadas (at least I think that is what it is called) and it is potatoes with this delicious red sauce. But everything here is good, at least that I have tried. The most different thing that I have noticed here is when they eat and what they eat. For example, the Spaniards wake up and eat a light breakfast, like a piece of toast or something. Then around 11 in the morning, they have a coffee and a tostada, which is like toast with cheese or ham. Then around 2, they have a huge meal for lunch, usually at least three courses. Around 6, they have what is called a merienda, which is a snack that can be anything. Finally, around 9:30 or 10 pm, they have dinner and it is very small, like tapas. Yesterday I made the mistake of not taking a merienda and I thought I was going to fall over because I was so hungry by 10:30. But I digress... After tapas, the entire group went out to a bar, and for those of you who don't know, that is legal here! Woo! It was very fun and the beer here is very good. Then we went to a club that was having a welcome party for all the study abroad kids. Touristy, right? Well it was super fun, so quit judging. After the club we wandered down to the river and it was so beautiful at night.
Flamenco dancers/singers
Yesterday, we had a lot of information sessions because classes haven't started yet. I also met my host family, whom I have already talked about. There are two of us Americans in the house, so I have to sleep in the daughter's room. When she came in from school yesterday and I was here she came running into her room and saw me and say "Ay mi cuarto!!!!". She got over me being here... I think.
And who says all that wander are lost?
After we hung out at home for a bit, we went to a Flamenco show. That was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Their feet move so incredibly fast that I don't know how they do it. I am already rhythmically challenged, so it would be impossible for me, but it was still pretty amazing.

Today we had more information sessions and we learned about the practicum we will be doing in the schools here. It sounds really cool and I am so excited about doing it here! We got lost in the Centro, for probably about the fifth time, but that's ok. It was a very good adventure. Then we had to buy phones, which I am still unsure as to how it all works, but I like to think I am a smart girl and that I can figure it out.
As always, I miss everyone at home, but life here is very fun too!

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